rapatrier, Synonymes en anglais: repatriate

« rapatrier » : d’autres synonymes en anglais plus adaptés à votre phrase

Liste des mots en anglais pour traduire « rapatrier »:

  • Repatriate: to bring someone back to their own country
  • Bring back: to return someone or something to a place
  • Retrieve: to get something back, especially after seeking and finding it
  • Recover: to bring someone or something back to a normal state or condition
  • Return: to go or come back to a place
  • Rescue: to save someone from a dangerous or difficult situation
  • Regain: to get back something that was lost or taken away
  • Reclaim: to get back something that was taken from you or that you have lost
  • Recall: to officially bring someone back to a place for a particular reason
  • Recover: to get something back, especially an amount of money that was stolen or lost
  • Repossess: to take something back from someone who has stopped paying for it
  • Redeem: to get back something that you have given or spent money for
  • Evacuate: to move people from a dangerous place to a safe place
  • Send back: to make someone return to the place they came from
  • Return home: to go back to your house or the place where you live
  • Bring home: to return home with something after getting it from somewhere else
  • Send home: to make someone return to their own country or their own home
  • Reunite: to bring people together again after they have been apart
  • Restore: to return something to its former condition or owner
  • Reestablish: to start something again or to make it start again after it has stopped

Quelques expressions équivalentes en anglais pour « rapatrier »

  • Repatriate

    Traduction /Signification:

    Ramener dans son pays d’origine.

    Contexte d’utilisation:

    Généralement utilisé pour des citoyens ou des ressortissants expatriés.

    Domaines d’utilisation: Diplomatie, immigration.

    Exemple de phrase en français:

    Le gouvernement a décidé de rapatrier ses ressortissants bloqués à l’étranger.

    Traduction en anglais: The government has decided to repatriate its citizens stranded abroad.

    Technique de traduction utilisée: Transposition directe.

    Méthode de traduction: Traduction littérale.

  • Bring back

    Traduction /Signification:

    Ramener quelque chose à son lieu d’origine.

    Contexte d’utilisation:

    Peut s’appliquer à tout objet ou personne.

    Domaines d’utilisation: Général.

    Exemple de phrase en français:

    Nous devons rapatrier les équipements avant la fin du mois.

    Traduction en anglais: We need to bring back the equipment before the end of the month.

    Technique de traduction utilisée: Transposition directe.

    Méthode de traduction: Traduction basée sur le contexte.